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  • LGB

New house, new job. A new start with his brother….

Two out of three isn’t bad, right?

Rhys returns to his hometown and must face the brother he’s been avoiding for two years. In his heart, Rhys still hopes to recapture the bond they once shared.

Jake willingly offers him the hand of friendship, but Rhys is reluctant to confront their past, fearing it will only rip them apart again.

When Rhys sees ghostly figures in the grounds of a local historic house, it leads him to investigate their shocking past—and to face his heart’s true desire.

Format: ebook and paperback

Language: English (UK English spellings)

Book Length: Novel (68K)

Genres: Contemporary, Gay, Erotic Romance, Taboo

Heat Rating: Burning

Release Date: June 3, 2016

Please note this is a taboo romance featuring two brothers.


(From Chapter One)

The outline of a solitary figure appeared through the frosted glass of the front door. Male, I’d say, and short. Could be a kid.

I opened the stiff door with a deliberate jerk. “Yes?”

A man, probably in his mid-to-late thirties, stood before me. Short and slim, wearing long khaki shorts, sandals—no socks, thank God. His tanned hairy legs drew my attention for a few seconds too long. He held a plastic-wrapped plate in his hands with what seemed like cake on it. He looked pleasant enough, good-looking in an old-fashioned sort of way, and smiling a toothy grin not far from my face.

“Hello, I’m from next door.”

He inclined his head to the left. There was only one house next to mine, as my house was situated at the end of the cul-de-sac on a corner plot, so I gathered he was my neighbour.

“I’ve baked you a cake as a welcome gift.” He offered me the plate. “Hope you like lemon drizzle cake.” He smiled again and his eyes twinkled. Beads of perspiration dotted along his forehead. I took the plate from him before the moisture had a chance to run down his face and drip onto my cake. It was a warm and sunny June day, the first we’d seen in the UK for over a week. Typical! The day I moved house the temperature skyrocketed. Sweat dampened my pits and trickled down my back. I’d been shifting heavy boxes and stuff around for hours.

“Mmm… looks great. Thanks.” I breathed in and got a strong whiff of sweet citrus—from the cake rather than him, I hoped. “That’s very kind of you.”

“I’m Philip,” he said, edging closer. “And you’re very welcome.”

“Hi, I’m Rhys,” I said, standing firm. As nice as he appeared, I was reluctant to budge and let a stranger enter my personal domain.

“How are you settling in?” Philip peered around my shoulder and upper arm, a tricky task since I was a good six inches taller than him. “I would have offered to help you unload your car earlier, but I was mixing the cake at the time.”

I made the mistake of turning and glancing at my cluttered hallway.

Paperback available from CreateSpace and Amazon.

Ebook available from Smashwords, Amazon, and PayHip.

  • LGB

Alex is falling in love with Michael, one of the gorgeous handymen who maintain his property. Can Alex trust the Fernando brothers or are they thieves?

After moving into his new house, Alex Sucre employs the three good-looking Fernando brothers as handymen to maintain his home and garden. He’s immediately attracted to Michael, the youngest, and enjoys watching his muscle-packed body through his study window as he works.

After a spate of burglaries in the area, one of Alex’s neighbors accuses the brothers of the thefts. Alex is reluctant to believe that any of them could be responsible, as their business is thriving and they appear to be honest men. But once that seed of doubt has been sown, Alex wonders whether they can be trusted.

Should Alex confront Michael with his suspicions and risk destroying their newly formed relationship?

Un amour de l’art…

Un intérêt commun pour l’art attire deux étudiants universitaires timides l’un vers l’autre. Ben admire la peinture de Vinnie concernant le bâtiment de l’Université, si bien que celui-ci l’invite à une exposition de ses œuvres. Issu d’une famille riche, Ben achète une partie de ses peintures et s’arrange pour que l’artiste vienne en personne accrocher les tableaux dans son appartement.

Douce nuit étoilée…

Ben engage Vinnie pour qu’il fasse son portrait, afin de passer plus de temps avec l’artiste. Durant la séance, au cours de la soirée, Vinnie peint un ciel nocturne sur la poitrine de Ben… et ils s’embrassent. Ils commencent une relation sous la nuit étoilée, la propre toile de Dieu.

Mais chaque relation connaît des hauts et des bas, tout comme la leur. Quand Ben pense que Vinnie passe trop de temps avec un autre artiste, sa jalousie crée un fossé entre eux et pousse Vinnie vers quelque chose que Ben redoute.

Accrochez-vous à vos rêves…

Ben et Vinnie devront traverser des moments difficiles avant de pouvoir retrouver l’autre à nouveau. Mais s’ils y croient et s’ils gardent leur foi dans le ciel étoilé et dans l’autre, alors, peut-être qu’ils pourront transformer leurs rêves d’amour en réalité.

Paint the Sky has been translated into French.

Many thanks to the team at Men Over the Rainbow for the translation

and Kellie Dennis at BookCover by Design for the wonderful artwork.

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