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Review ~ 'The Handyman Can is gripping and sweet and thrilling and so much more. I just couldn't put it down."

The Handyman Can

Alex is falling in love with Michael, one of the gorgeous handymen who maintain his property. Can Alex trust the Fernando brothers or are they thieves?


After moving into his new house, Alex Sucre employs the three good-looking Fernando brothers as handymen to maintain his home and garden. He’s immediately attracted to Michael, the youngest, and enjoys watching his muscle-packed body through his study window as he works.

After a spate of burglaries in the area, one of Alex’s neighbors accuses the brothers of the thefts. Alex is reluctant to believe that any of them could be responsible, as their business is thriving and they appear to be honest men. But once that seed of doubt has been sown, Alex wonders whether they can be trusted.


Should Alex confront Michael with his suspicions and risk destroying their newly formed relationship?



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